Michaud in Paris, 19th c.

Noël Firmin MICHAUD was a maker of brass instruments established in Paris between 1832 and 1867. He filed several manufacturing patents and received a silver medal for his horns at the 1849 Industry Exhibition.

The tight winding of post horns or signal horns has existed at least since the 16th century, but its adaptation to the hunting horn became widespread in the 19th century during the development of court hunting. This model, called “Maricourt”, made it possible to participate in the event from a horse-drawn carriage.

The six and a half turn instrument is kept in its wooden case.

The plaque “private custody of Baron Henri de Rothschild” was made for the visit of the King of Portugal, Don Carlos, to the Abbey of Vaulx de Cernay during the hunting campaign of December 8, 1905.

Provenance: Coll. Georges Paquier, Château de Seganges (Allier) and auction Château de la Muette. Ader S.V.V.

Bibliography (for patents and participation in exhibitions): Comte de Pontécoulant: “Organography: essay on instrumental making, art, industry and commerce.” T.II, Paris, Castel ed. 1861. (Reprint: Frits Knuf, Amsterdam 1972)